The Gardening Year Jan 2023

What to do now - January

Winter is well and truly here with cold, blustery days battering trees and leaving debris scattered throughout the garden. Although the temperature could get even colder, January is still a great month in the garden and what better way to start than by recycling your Christmas tree and shredding it for valuable mulch.

Gardeners who are keen to get back into the swing of things will be pleased to know that there’s digging to be done this month. Dust off forks and spades and get to work digging over beds and borders to prepare them for spring, and warm up on a cold day in the process! Stainless steel tools such as the Stainless Steel Digging Spade and Fork are ideal for this time of year as their polished surface reduces clayey soils sticking to the tool heads.

January is a good time to sharpen the blades of your pruners and loppers using a Garden Tool Sharpener ready for the coming season. It is also time to winter-prune your wisteria. Shorten shoots to two or three buds from the main stems whilst the plant is dormant to control its size and improve the summer flower display. If you need some new pruners for the job, browse our range here.

There are also jobs on the vegetable plot to be done; you may still be harvesting brussel sprouts and kale, and if the outside temperature is 7°C or higher, you can begin planting early varieties of carrots and potatoes directly into your garden soil and peas and broad beans indoors – just ensure the soil isn’t water logged and dig the area over until the soil has a fine texture.


Quick tips:

  • Put food out for hungry birds
  • Turn your compost heap with a fork to keep it fresh
  • Remove leaves from your lawn regularly with the Plastic Leaf Rake to enable sunlight to reach the grass underneath
  • Check fences and wooden growing structures for wind damage and make repairs before plants start to grow again
  • Avoid walking on frozen lawns
  • Protect the roots of potted plants from the chill of winter by wrapping the pots in hessian or compost sacks
  • Use a pair of Deadheading Snips to remove any foliage affected by mildew from your bedding plants


Products to use this month: